Wednesday, January 28, 2009

baby dodo...

Yeah, I got it bad. I really just started noticing it today- thinking it was just because I am all congested and sickly, but I think it is the baby.

1. Asked a co-worker about a detail and he said "well shouldn't you just see about the city standards and apply that to you detail", well yeah! that is what I should do and what I did to get the detail info in the first place... duh... He just started laughing and I said "my head is foggy and I hope it is the congestion and not something that will last another 6 months or so"... more laughing
2. Leaving the office to eat lunch with Ray, I noticed a new rug at the front door of the office and commented "Oh, good, we finally got a rug"! Office Mgr laughed and said "a few weeks ago". No Way!
3. At the sandwich shop I was getting a straw for my drink and threw away the straw in the trash bucket and was left with the wrapper instead...

Ray is happy about it all (says he likes me like this)... He said that it makes him feel more normal when he does crazy stuff and forgets stuff... not comforting...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

happy 14 1/2 weeks baby T!

Today I had a doctor's appt. and we got to HEAR the heartbeat! Very exciting! I really love my doctor- she is so nice and I really feel like she is genuinely excited for US. I would think it would be hard to be so genuine when it is something you do all day long, but I feel like she is very genuine. I guess my previous doctors have been also, but I always seemed to have first appointments filled with bad news and nothing else, with two previous miscarriages. I guess this is how it feels to be on the other side! Anyway, I do love my doctor and that makes me happy...

Why I have been missing the past few weeks...
1. Got the sickie junk that is going around starting last Thursday and pretty much stayed on the couch Friday, Saturday and Sunday
2. My grandad (My mom's dad) passed away on January 10. I flew to Amarillo for the funeral on the 13th. I kept going back and forth whether or not I was going to go, knowing I most likely would not do too well for the 11ish hour drive with mom and dad. Finally decided to go that Monday morning and I am so glad that I did. Now that both of my mom's parent's have passed away, I don't know if we will really make that trek again and it was really nice to be able to see a lot of my mom's aunts and uncles that I have not seen in forever. It was also nice to visit with cousins that made the trip and of course see my sisters. I was sad that Ray wasn't able to go, but those tickets were so expensive last minute. I was SO TIRED after those two days of travel, I really don't know how you do it Kareb...
3. Still feeling nauseated... I thought I was passing the hump a few weeks ago, but maybe not, or maybe I am shifting into heartburn and gas and can't really tell too much of a difference... boo...

Will be posting pictures of Ray's awesome desk that he built for his office- it is A-MA-ZING!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Well, I am so happy to say that the nausea seems to be subsiding. At my 10 1/2 week appointment the doctor said that hopefully soon I would notice that only some of the day I felt nauseated and then pretty soon I would realize that I wasn't feeling bad anymore. So, today I am feeling really good! Hooray! Hopefully now I can enjoy this process a bit more...

Thursday, January 8, 2009


So, I have been pretty much through the ringer with the preggo symptoms this first trimester, but yesterday, it hit me... the worst yet! Apparently my extra sensitive nose is really really sensitive to the "stinky breath" smell. Everyone I seem to talk to has it extra bad and the people that I noticed before this 12 week fiasco- HOLY COW knock me over! I walked into the gym last night and that is the smell that hit me, and the guy next to me on the treadmill- as my dad would say, Ai-Chimungus!!! I just got backed into the corner with my favorite co-worker to show him a setting on the scanner and I couldn't find it fast enough... Does this smell sensitivity business last all through pregnancy? I might have to start handing out some powerful gum...