Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy Monday to you!

Claribel has had several giggle sessions so far. Thought I would share one with her and Ray the other day :) It is so hard not to smile and laugh when she does- cracks us up! You can also see our current normal- slobbery chins and bibs- she is a serious drooler-

We will miss you Maria!

Maria started keeping Claribel when I went back to work- I think when Cbel was around 8 weeks. We found her because her husband teaches with my mom and she asked him if he thought she might want to watch her. We are so blessed to have had such a loving Christian woman keep our sweet baby and to have someone that loves her as well. Well, Maria is going to have a new baby of her own in January so we have found someone new to care for her starting tomorrow. It always made it much easier going to work knowing that she was taken care of so well at home by Maria. We will miss you, but will keep in touch!

and hopfully some of those spanish words will come easily to Claribel later on in life!

Meeting PW

Yesterday, Monie and I made the trek to Houston to the Blue Willow Bookshop Pioneer Woman Cookbook Signing. It was quite the adventure!
I was first introduced to the Pioneer Woman blog a few years ago through another blog that I happened upon. I suppose I was reading from close to the beginning (the website was way different, only one page with everything instead of all of the tabs, etc.) I told Monie about her I guess about a year ago and told her she should read her Black Heels to Tractor Wheels story. She now keeps me up to date on the Pioneer Woman as I am not getting to read her site as often as I used to. When Monie mentioned that she was doing a book signing tour with her cookbook we knew we had to go meet her. It was funny that the bookstore owner that introduced her told a story about a PW reader that said something about "Her friend Ree" to her husband and he said, "She doesn't even know you". When you read her blog you do feel like you know her, so crazy, I guess that is what is so interesting about blogs. I have loved learning about her life, what life as a ranching family looks like. I have also loved trying out some of her recipes, some of my favorites are Oatmeal Crispies, Yogurt Cream and Berries, Crash Hot Potatoes, Potato Bundles, Apricot Bars, Blackberry Cobbler, Lasagna, Meatballs, Steak Bites, Blueberry Muffins, Apple Brown Betty, Chocolate Sheet Cake , creamy herbed potatoes, mashed potatoes , creamed spinach, not your granny's mac and cheese, I am sure there are others, but those are the ones coming to mind. She helps turn non-cooks into cooks; she has helped Monie start cooking more and the way she does her recipes on her blog (and her cookbook) is so great with all of the pictures.
So, yesterday...
We left Bryan- College Station at 7:45 and got to the bookshop right when they opened at 9:30 for the signing tickets. Then, we headed over to Georgia's Market (very cool place for all you Houstonites) where the booksigning was going to be. We got in the line to wait until the seats were set up for her to speak. Everything worked out so well, we probably had to stand in line behind about 5 people for about 30 minutes or so. Then we got seats on the end of the second row to the right of the stage. We all just hung out until PW came out around 1 pm. She sat on the little stage and they did a Q & A and then she sat to the right of the stage right in front of us to sign the books. They called different colors in a certain order and only that color group stood in line. Claribel did so well... she took a few short naps and we all just hung out. When it was finally our turn it was pretty ridiculous... I didn't even know what to say and Monie introduced us. She had also brought a bottle of wine from Messina Hof and so she gave that to her from her sister's vineyard. I have never been to a book signing before, but I thought it was pretty different that Monie was bringing her a gift... well, she was not the only one- she had several boxes of goodies from her fans... I am so glad we went, but we both laughed afterwards on the way home about how ridiculous we felt about how we behaved. I just stood there... thankfully Monie was there :) It was all so organized and we were out of there by around 4:30.

naptime waiting for PW
I wish I would have gotten CBel to smile at Ree (she is just so darn cute with that toothless smile)... oh well... She was getting to the end of her rope ready for the nice nap she took on the way home anyways.
Thanks Pioneer Woman!
It was really nice to meet you and I am excited about cooking more recipes out of your book!
and I really loved the necklace you had on- really neat!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sleep Stories

It is funny to me how many different ways we find Claribel after her naps, and in the mornings. She moves all over the place and rotates the completely opposite direction. Sometimes I wish we had one of those video monitors so we could see her in action. I am pretty sure that alot of the moving has to do with the fact that she sleeps on her stomach and gets those strong legs going and scoots all over.
We have found her several times with her arm hanging out of the crib, over the bumper like the picture below. So funny...

Below is a picture in our bed in the morning while I was getting ready for work one day. She kept pulling hte blanket up over her chin.

Ten years ago

I can't believe it has been 10 years since that aweful night at TAMU. There has been a lot of talk this year on the news, in Texas Monthly, etc. which has brought all of those memories back. It has brought up interesting conversations with several of the students that work with us since I was in school when it happened. I think it is hard for anyone to tyuly understand what it was like unless you were a student at that time. Even though I did not personally know anyone that passed away, it was a devastating tragedy to have happen my junior year. There is so much talk of people wanting to bring bonfire back to campus, but in my opinion (and probably in many more that were in school at the time) that tradition died with the 12 students. It would be really hard to have that on campus again. I know I am rambling... but it is hard to verbalize my thoughts...
May our great Comforter be with those families that are missing their children, brothers and sisters that passed away 10 years ago.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Rubber Duckie- revisited

It is amazing what a difference a month makes...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

4 months...

Sweet Baby Doll,
Your daddy and I are so thankful for you sweet, sweet baby. You have definitely spoiled us. You let us know when you are hungry or tired, but other than that- happy happy. You are pretty flexible as well if we are up a little past your bedtime, which has been nice for the weekend. You sleep like a champ! We are definitely making it through the night and if I do a "dream feed" at 10 before we go to bed you will sleep from 7 pm to 7 am- we are so spoiled! I really can't believe it has already been 4 months- it has truly flown by just like everyone said it would! You have also started laughing a bit- there have been a few times we have gotten some really good chuckles. It will be fun when you are laughing more. I love that you will smile when others talk to you and that you are not too serious of a baby. You have just about the sweetest smile that melts our hearts! When men have strong voices, sometimes you get startled and cry, putting that lip out there in a very sad face. You are talking a TON- chatter chatter. That is how we know you are up in the morning or from a nap- we just hear you talking. We don't even need the monitor because we can hear you so well. We think you definitely have mommy's voice. You are really enjoying your exersaucer, but we think you have outgrown the baby einstein mat with your active rolling and scooting. You are grabbing at everything and putting it in your mouth and are really enjoying your toys. We have a big weekend planned this weekend to go to Abilene to see all of your aunties and uncles. Aunt Rebecca and Uncle Tuck have not seen you since July and they are not going to believe how big you are!
We love you love you love you sweet, sweet baby girl! You make our hearts so full and we can't wait to see what is in store next.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

busy busy...

We have been busy over here at the Thomas household. The fall always seems to go quickly and football usually keeps the weekends busy as well. I have been going through Civil 3D training this week which has meant longer days at the office (I am staying until 5 where as normally I leave around 2 or so). Tomorrow is the last day for that and I am really glad- I have been missing that extra time with one sweet baby in particular.
Yesterday I went to eat lunch at Koppe Bridge with some co-workers during our training break to discuss one of our projects and guess who walked in with his secret service entourage? George Bush Senior. Very cool! He had about 3 secret service with him in the restaurant and as we were leaving there was another SUV in the parking lot with what looked like 3 more Secret Service. It wasn't too crowded there which was fun and he was about 3 tables away from us. I just smiled at him at one point and he smiled back.
I think it is so cool that of all places he is in B-CS a lot.
Sweet baby Claribel turned 4 months yesterday- holy moly I can not believe it! I will have a post on that soon... I got her laughing really good in the car last night on the way home from dinner- so cute! Can't wait until those chuckles are more common place occurances. Wow, how much I love that little thing!
More to come-

Sunday, November 1, 2009

First Halloween

The Happiest little baby duck we ever saw!

Infant Dedication

October 10, 2009

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth.

How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.

Psalm 127: 3-5a

Monday, October 12, 2009

yippee! I won!!!

My dear friend Kelli had a little giveaway this past weekend for The Jesus Storeybook Bible and I won one of the 3 she was giving away! I am so excited! Claribel is starting to really enjoy reading books and I am excited to grow into this one. We have a little boardbook Bible with stories, but it is seriously lacking in the New Testament department... I didn't notice this when we registered for it. I am so excited about this new book with the audio.
Remember all of those books with records that we listened to as kids (with the little chimes telling you when to turn the page? I hope she will enjoy this as much as my sisters and I did those when we were little.
Thanks Kelli! I am so excited-

Sunday, October 11, 2009


October 10, 2009

September 10, 2009

August 10, 2009

Rubber Duckie...



Saturday, October 10, 2009

Three Months...

Sweet Baby Doll,
I truly can't believe another month has gone by. Everyone keeps telling us how the time flies by and before you know it... Well, I definitely see that happening already! You are just about the best thing (after your daddy) that ever came into my life. What joy you bring to my heart and that little smile of yours melts my heart and is so unbelievably contageous. It is especially fun in the middle of the night when we hear you knowing that you have "turtled" (turned over and woken yourself up) and when we come to flip you back you smile as if to say- "good morning, I have been waiting for you!" It is so cute, but definitely at those times we quickly turn you over and pat your back to help you back to sleep. You have been a sleeping champ up until the past week and I think you must be going through a growth spurt... I sure hope we get back to your 12 hour sleeps soon :) your naps during the day have also been unusually short as well and you are wanting to feed sooner so I do think it is the 3 month growth spurt.
Everyone always comments on how they never hear you cry and it is true, you hardly ever cry unless you are overtired, hungry, or dirty. You are definitely spoiling us and it will be hard if our next baby is not as easy as you (whenever that time comes).

Tomorrow we are having you dedicated at church... What an important charge the Lord has given your daddy and me over you. We pray that He can use us to point you towards Him and that you come to trust Him as your Saviour at a young age. Sometimes the responsibility of raising you seems overwhelming, but I know that the Lord does not give us more than we can handle and that He can use us in your life even though sometimes I doubt.

You are such a cherished gift to your daddy and me and so many others and I pray that my words and actions towards you will always help you to know that.

I love you to the moon and back... momma

Friday, September 18, 2009

For the Aunties...

Here are some recent videos of Claribel doing her "exercises". She is getting so big and interactive. Recently she has also been extending her arm in her "power to the people" position and really studying her hand. We need to get a video of that as well.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


For the past 31 years, I have never eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I guess I must have had a bite when I was little, but I don't remember. All I remember is that I did not like them and never wanted to eat them; they kind of grossed me out, honestly. I would have opted for peanut butter and honey or just peanut butter if I had to. Last week, I was putting some yummy bonne mama's blackberry preserves on my bagel for breakfast and accidentally dripped a glob on the bread that I was going to make a sandwich out of for lunch. I had a dilemma... throw away said piece of bread or try peanut butter and jelly for the first time in YEARS. I decided that I might actually like it with the yummy fresh ground honey roasted peanut butter from the HEB and the tasty preserves. Well, I did like it! In fact, I have had quite a few of them since this realization last week. I guess all this time I was a peanut butter and jelly snob... It just had to be the right peanut butter and jelly! yummy! I just had one for lunch at work and it was oh so tasty! Hey- has anyone ever had a pluot (plum apricot hybrid)? I bought some at the lovely Farm Patch in town and it is really good! I really need to start going there once a week- I think it would be a great way to start my Saturday mornings.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Auntie Karen comes to visit...

I am so glad that one of my besties Karen was able to come meet Claribel! She flies for Air-Tran so it is really nice that she has the ability to fly out here pretty regulary and fairly effortlessly (well at least she says it is easy... sure is easy for me!) We had such a nice visit and she was able to spend some good time with Claribel. Thanks so much for coming and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

Leave it to Karen to have some fun with that crazy hair!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Two Months...

Claribel, I can't believe that you are two months and 1 day old! This sweet baby time with you has just flown by and really has been a blast for your daddy and me. You are such a good baby, pretty much only cry when you are hungry or tired and overstimulated. You are sleeping through the night and have been for several weeks now, which is so GREAT! I love getting you in the morning, so happy to start the day. You have also been smiling for a few weeks now and are really smiling alot now. It is so fun! Your hair is still pretty wild and not too much of it has fallen out so that is good. You are really enjoying your baby einstein play mat and can lay on it for a pretty good little stretch if needed. You have been in your crib for several weeks and it is crazy how much you move around in that thing. You have shown us that you can roll from your stomach to your back in the crib and on the Einstein Mat. Your little legs are so strong and from your tummy you can scoot all over your crib. We have found you at all sides and in all corners of the crib after your naps. Your eyes are a little lighter blue than when you were born and GE (Grandma Elaine) is hoping that her blue eyes will have been passed to you (but we still have awhile until we will know that). You are such a happy baby and a good eater and sleeper. We just love you so much and CAN NOT imagine our life wtihout you in it!

I took some pictures to compare to the one month ones last Thursday night...

Today we had her 9 week (2 month) well baby visit with Dr. R. She is doing so well and right on track! I hated when they had to give her shots... it suprised her and she cried- poor baby!

Two month Stats:

Length: 22 in (25th-50th %)

Weight: 10 lb 4 oz (25th %)

Head: 25th %

A week ago Friday...

Ray has off on Fridays during these tough economic times, which has been nice since he can watch Claribel on Fridays if I need to go into the office. It was really hard leaving the house last Friday when this was going on in our room...
I am gad he is be able to take advantage of a few of those nice morning naps with Claribel that I was able to have during my 6 1/2 weeks off of work. Fun, snuggle times :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

sick days...

Poor little Claribel and I had some sick days last week. Tuesday when I fed her in the morning I noticed that she was a little congested, I had been since Saturday and I felt so bad for her! Other than that she seemed fine, so I went to work and Maria kept her. She didn't eat or sleep well for Maria and we had a hard night that night with her mostly in our bed so we could help keep her head a little elevated. I decided to stay home/ work from home on Wednesday and Thursday. I pretty much kept her in the Moby wrap all day and she slept a TON! I could tell she was so tired! Wednesday night she even slept the night with me in the Moby Wrap, which wasn't the most restful, but I know it was better rest for her than if she would have been in her crib not being able to breathe very well. Now it is Monday (well actually I am finishing this post on Friday) and she is doing much better. She has slept the past basically 2 weeks from at least 10 pm to 6 am. Praise the Lord! I want to go back through my little log of sleep/ feeding and count the number of times I actually had to get up between the hours of 12 am and 6 am... I don't think there were that many. Not that I don't expect to have to do that some more times in her lifetime :)

Monday, August 31, 2009

sweet baby...

I just love how Claribel looks when she is sleeping, esp. when she has her legs curled up under her and her little bootie in the air... those little piggies visible and oh so kissable.
This might be the last time she can wear this lovely pink smocked gown that Monie found since it is Newborn size... the neck is a bit snug. She peed on the back while I was changing her diaper so we had a little impromptu photo shoot on the changing table. I love smocking- so sweet!

Friday, August 28, 2009

so big and so small...

Claribel has grown out of her "bassinet", this great pram that mom found for us in Colorado at a Once Upon a Child. She is a real scooter with those strong legs she has and needed more room to do her thing. We are going to have to take some before and after pics to show how far she goes... She has also rolled from her stomach to her back (i guess by getting one leg really going and propelling herself over). The angelcare monitor is great for our peace of mind... except for the few false alarms we have had- thankfully they have not woken C up... we will just have to find the sweet spot on the sensitivity. The problem is when she scoots herself all the way over to the edge of the crib and I guess since she is so small the mat is not catching her movement.

I think she might miss her bears... she seemed to stare at the side of the bassinet at the little bears on the fabric. Hopefully she will enjoy the flowers as much :)

This picture is driving me NUTS! Will not upload correctly (blogger keeps rotating it)... and i am out of patience and time... gotta go feed Cbel before Home Church tonight... and i hear her grunting so I know she is waking up... or between sleep cycles at least :)