Thursday, January 8, 2009


So, I have been pretty much through the ringer with the preggo symptoms this first trimester, but yesterday, it hit me... the worst yet! Apparently my extra sensitive nose is really really sensitive to the "stinky breath" smell. Everyone I seem to talk to has it extra bad and the people that I noticed before this 12 week fiasco- HOLY COW knock me over! I walked into the gym last night and that is the smell that hit me, and the guy next to me on the treadmill- as my dad would say, Ai-Chimungus!!! I just got backed into the corner with my favorite co-worker to show him a setting on the scanner and I couldn't find it fast enough... Does this smell sensitivity business last all through pregnancy? I might have to start handing out some powerful gum...


alyelli said...

We are all different so, it could go away for some and not others. You would think that I would remember from pregnancy to pregnancy, but I don't. All I know this time around is "oh no it came back". This same smell bothers me too - really badly. It did go away for a time, but about 3 weeks ago it came back. I am now 26 weeks. I am hoping that it goes away again. All of that to say - I am there with you. Say Hi to Ray for us.

Karen said...

Just stick some ear plugs up your nose and walk around like you just had a bloody nose...haha!

Melissa said...

karen- yeah that is great advice... haha-
alysha-sorry you have the sme smell issue... it is bad! i hope it goes away soon... at least the nausea is subsiding...

kelli said...

oh my poor husband can't brush his teeth enough...and the other night I had some kind of hormonal reaction to the smell of some wonderful corn chowder I made. Not so wonderful afterall.
But you hang in there -it does get better and it is certainly worth it! :)
I'm so darn excited for you!