Our house is a work in progress, to say the least. The ultimate plan is to build a master bedroom, second bathroom and laundry room in the existing garage (which will involve bringing the front of the garage out about 8 feet). Needless to say, this is going to be quite the undertaking. We originally thought we would be pretty far into that project by now, but we ran out of cashola with the addition of the rent house. So, we will be a 3-1 for awhile it seems. All that to say, when we painted the room that is our current bedroom, we planned on that shortly becoming a guest bedroom and chose colors and curtains that way. Therefore we can't use any of the bedding we used in our Dallas master bedroom. I finally decided to make some pillow shams and got a new Ralph Lauren sage green combed cotton blanket (if you don't have one, you should- my red one from fish year at A&M is still my favorite!). I really like the way the shams turned out and I think they look really nice with the green blanket and white dust ruffle. It helps make the far away move to the garage feel more planned... and i like things planned :)
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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