Claribel, I can't believe that you are two months and 1 day old! This sweet baby time with you has just flown by and really has been a blast for your daddy and me. You are such a good baby, pretty much only cry when you are hungry or tired and overstimulated. You are sleeping through the night and have been for several weeks now, which is so GREAT! I love getting you in the morning, so happy to start the day. You have also been smiling for a few weeks now and are really smiling alot now. It is so fun! Your hair is still pretty wild and not too much of it has fallen out so that is good. You are really enjoying your baby einstein play mat and can lay on it for a pretty good little stretch if needed. You have been in your crib for several weeks and it is crazy how much you move around in that thing. You have shown us that you can roll from your stomach to your back in the crib and on the Einstein Mat. Your little legs are so strong and from your tummy you can scoot all over your crib. We have found you at all sides and in all corners of the crib after your naps. Your eyes are a little lighter blue than when you were born and GE (Grandma Elaine) is hoping that her blue eyes will have been passed to you (but we still have awhile until we will know that). You are such a happy baby and a good eater and sleeper. We just love you so much and CAN NOT imagine our life wtihout you in it!
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
What a sweet little punkin'!!! Having a boy is fun, but I envy your chance to play dress up with all those pretty little girl clothes!
I know! It is really fun! She has so many fun things to grow into as well... BUT there is nothing cuter than a little boy in one of those striped polos and khaki shorts- so masculine and cute!
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